Faulder Family Genealogy Faulder Family Genealogy

10 January, 2025

Surname Villett as a variant of Willett

Villett and similar (Villet, Vilette etc.) as a variation of Willett were excluded from my ongoing “Willetts in Essex” analysis. Villett and variants does often appear in discussion of Huguenot Families, and given the suggestion that the Willetts may be of Huguenot origin, it is accepted that research may have to be expanded. This post looks at the distribution of “Villett” and similar in Essex.


27 December, 2022

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15 September, 2021

Williamson: Current Research

Link between myself and the Williamsons
Link between myself and the Williamsons

Currently a number of events have brought my focus back to the Williamson Family – my maternal grandmother’s family (through my mother’s adoption).

The purpose of this post is to summarise the current areas of research and what is being done (September 2021) in order to help others and via search engines to catch the attention of people currently unknown to me who may be researching the same family.

Currently we know of the Williamsons in Cork in the first half of the 19th Century, later emerging in Worcester in England in the 1861 Census. That same census indicates that there was a branch of the family in New Jersey United States.


7 September, 2021

The Blizard Name

My mother’s adoptive mother’s paternal grandfather (my Grandmother’s Grandfather) was William Blizard Williamson (born Cork, Ireland 1811, died Worcester, England 1878). He had two sons: William Blizard Williamson (the younger) and George Henry Williamson – my grandmother’s father.

I have written previously about them. This post ponders the origin of the Blizard name in our family tree and whether knowing that helps identify further ancestors or the geographical origin of the Williamsons. (There is a rumour that they may have originated in England and another that they originated in Londonderry.)

This post summarises what I know about the name (not much) and what I would like to know. It is a work-in-progress both in terms of research and content editing. Suggestions are very welcome!

This post also details the genealogy of Sir William Blizard (1743-1835), a surgeon and founder of the first medical school attached to a hospital, The London Hospital. It may be that William Blizard Williamson was named after this famous person, but if anyone reading this identifies a genealogical link between the two of them … .

On the other hand, perhaps he was born during a blizzard?


24 March, 2016

Research & Other Work Agenda

Taking stock of questions to research, itches to scratch, and development work to do.


  1. Family Reconstructions
  2. Specific People
  3. Website Development


15 April, 2014

Faulder Family – England and Wales Distribution

Although I have been concentrating on my own line of Faulders (who I can trace back to North Cumberland in 1754), I am taking an interest in other lines because they may eventually give a clue to my line further back.

I have also been working with GenMap UK an application that will map Genealogical Data. This has helped me get a view of where there are major groups of Faulders. (more…)

23 February, 2012

The Williamsons in the United States

The 1861 Census for England and Wales shows a Thomas Williamson born 1845 in New Jersey, United States.  He is listed as a Tinplate Worker staying in Worcester (England) with his uncle William Bliz(z)ard Williamson. (more…)

21 December, 2010

Research Note: Google Ngrams

(This post is more in the nature of a genealogy diary entry or research note discussing a potential line of interesting research.)

Google in their attempt to “capture all information”, have been digitalising huge numbers of mainly out of copyright books (more than 5.2 million).  Now they have introduced a tool to try and analyse this corpus of data: Google NGrams.  This allows you to graph by date of publication the occurrence of a word (or even selection of words).

So for a genealogist, the logical thing to do is ego-surf – stick your own surname in the tool and see what comes out. (more…)

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