Faulder Family Genealogy Faulder Family Genealogy

16 October, 2016

Are We Related: Willetts of Essex and of Kent

Filed under: Are We Related,England,Willett — Tags: , , , — David @ 8:55 pm

This post is in response to a comment from Eve Thirkle.

I happened across your family tree of Josiah Box and Elizabeth Stiles when researching my Kreamer family line (my father’s line) and was amazed to discover a link to the Willett family (my mother’s line) – still need to see whether it is the same families and where the link occurs if there is one but thank you for publishing the tree.

This post addresses the second relationship – between the Eve Thirkle’s Willett ancestors and the Willett family (which has been traced back to Colchester, Essex). (more…)

Are We Related: Willett & Kreamer

Filed under: Are We Related,Box,England,Kreamer,Willett — David @ 8:29 pm

This post is in response to a comment from Eve Thirkle.

I happened across your family tree of Josiah Box and Elizabeth Stiles when researching my Kreamer family line (my father’s line) and was amazed to discover a link to the Willett family (my mother’s line) – still need to see whether it is the same families and where the link occurs if there is one but thank you for publishing the tree.

This post addresses the first relationship – between the Kreamer family and the Willett family (which has been traced back to Colchester, Essex). (more…)

12 October, 2016

Are We Related: Index

The one of the most common types of comment I get on this website is of the “are we related?” type. Sometimes we are, sometimes we’re not! If we are we can exchange research; if not we can at least be clear about how we are not related.

The purpose of these posts therefore is to try and collate such queries and either:

  • document how we are in fact related, or
  • collate remarks about non-relations to act as a point of reference for other families which whilst unrelated may still share a surname.

A status of “Unrelated”, of course, is subject to revision by further research and discoveries – usually of earlier ancestors.


17 May, 2016

One Hundred Years ago Today

Hansard, The Record of the UK Parliament, reports for 17 May 1916:

HC Deb 17 May 1916 vol 82 cc1572-618

Message received to attend the Lords Commissioners.

The House went, and, having returned,


reported the Royal Assent to,

1. Local Government (Emergency Provisions) Act, 1916.
2. Courts (Emergency Powers) (Amendment) Act, 1916.
3. Summer Time Act, 1916.
4. Edinburgh Corporation Order Confirmation Act, 1916.
5. Gas Orders Confirmation Act, 1916.
6. Burnley Corporation Act, 1916.
7. Weston-Super-Mare Grand Pier Act, 1916.
Hansard, HC Deb 17 May 1916 vol 82 cc1572-618

The Summer Time Act had long been advocated by William Willett. He did not live to see his proposal implemented having died in March 1915. The idea had been adopted by many other countries including Germany and it was only the demands of wartime that moved the British from ridiculing the idea to adopting it. (more…)

24 March, 2016

Research & Other Work Agenda

Taking stock of questions to research, itches to scratch, and development work to do.


  1. Family Reconstructions
  2. Specific People
  3. Website Development


25 May, 2015

The Willetts of Colchester, Essex (and Daylight Saving) 1 of 2

Relationship to William Willett senior, father of Daylight Saving Willett

The change to and from British Summer Time can bring about a flurry of interest in William Willett, the original advocate in Britain of Daylight Saving. He was the eldest son of another William Willett. For some reason this spring Google and that ilk have pointed a larger number of people than usual towards this family blog. Some of them have familiar family stories about being related to “Daylight Saving” Willett.

In addition another comment by a relative (about William Willett senior – Daylight Saving Willett’s father – running away from his step-mother) has prompted me to re-examine “the top” of the Willett tree as I have previously understood it.


24 August, 2010

William Willett (b 1837) Founder of the building firm

There are (at least) two notable William Willetts. The most notable two are probably the father and son pair; the son (b 1856) is noted as the advocate of Daylight Saving, whilst his father is noted for founding the building firm Willetts. (more…)

23 August, 2010

Willett Antecedents

The early Willetts take a bit of disentangling due to second marriages and marriages to other Willetts. What follows is a summary; there is a more detailed explanation with references on another post. (more…)

The life of HDS (Dick) Faulder

HDS Faulder WW2 or shortly afterwards

HDS Faulder WW2 or shortly afterwards

Harold Dick Sewell Faulder (1918-2005) was my father.  I am currently trying to write up his life and am posting an outline that may provoke others to contribute. (more…)

18 August, 2010

William Willett (b 1856): Advocate of Daylight Saving

William Willett is most memorable as the advocate of Daylight Saving or British Summer Time. He was the eldest son of my Great Great Grandfather (through my mother’s adoptive line), also William Willett, who started the building company.

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