Joseph Sewell and Emily Faulder do not appear to be in the 1891 census. It may be that they were abroad (possibly together on business).
Their eldest son, Harold, later went to Peacedale Mill in Rhode Island (USA) and advertisements from the 1890s have been seen in New Zealand Newspaper Archives for Stoddart and Faulder Nautilus Serge.
For example: Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXXII, Issue 158, 13 July 1898, Page 3 – Papers Past National Library of New Zealand:
Registered No. 183,158.“THE NAUTILUS SERGE,
Samples of which we have before us, is a splendid cloth for wear. It will stand any amount of sun and sea water without fading or changing colour. Its elasticity prevents the coat sleeves from creasing and the trousers from bagging at the knees. Messrs Stothart & Faulder’s manufacture cannot be excelled for its durability and richness of color. Public Opinion, March 4th, 1898.
“The ‘Nautilus Serges’ are admirable in quality, being made of the finest Australian wool; they are strong, yet so fine they can be made to mould to the figure to perfection. – St. James’ Budget, April 1896.
We have just received a Shipment of these Serges, and shall be very pleased to forward patterns and prices to any address.
Either Harold’s US visit or the New Zealand business may have resulted from a visit by Joseph.
In addition evidence points to Joseph Sewell Faulder giving his address in 1903 (the year of his death) as Water Street, whilst his son Harold is still living in the family home in Blacker Road.